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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Legal and Ethical issues.

Piracy, computer crime, and IS misuse at the university

I like this reading beacuse it is abouy what i do. Many students illegally dowload stuff from the internet.  But should it be penalized?? My opinion is no. Most of the stuff that we must pay a lot for should be free. I know that you can't have everything but some prices for software are ridiculous.I think that people will keep downloading stuff ilegally because we are not getting the stuff for free anytime soon.

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that lets you share and create through legal tools.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Security and privacy

I think we leive in an age where nothing is private anymore. Our own goverment is spying on us. I think that Edward Snowden did a very good thing leaking all the information. When we upload a photo on facebook it stays on the internet forever. You cannot delete it completely.  Other privacy issue is recent Tar
get data breach which left many people with no money on their accounts